
The abstract submission is closed. All abstracts have been assessed. An abstract book will be made.

Abstract Awards

The EFIS has provided 10 travel grants of 350 euro for the best abstracts from PhD students.

FEBS Open Bio Journal has provided a grant for best poster presentation.

Selection of Abstracts

A number of abstracts will be selected for oral presentation during the program. The top selected abstracts will present in the best abstract session. (oral abstracts presentation: 10 min + 5 min discussion)

If your abstract is selected for poster, you will provide a pitch presentation (no slides) of 2 min during the poster session. From this session the top selected posters will also present (with 3 slides) in the best poster session (3 min + 2 min discussion).

Submission Instructions

Abstract – structured by: introduction with objective, methods, results, conclusions.

Abstract submission is possible online only. The submission of an abstract does not replace the registration as a participant to the congress. Abstracts are to be submitted in English. The pure abstract text (without abstract title / authors / institutes) must not exceed 350 words.

The presenting author is first/main author of the abstract.

Original data should be presented at the annual meeting. With the submission, the authors assume responsibility for the correctness of the data. The author is responsible for the clarification of possible copyrights of third parties regarding the contents of the abstract. Thus, the authors guarantee that there are no third-party-rights on all figures, tables, etc. that would prevent publication.

Publication: Accepted abstracts will appear in the Journal of Reproductive Immunology (JRI). Please note that your abstract will be published as submitted and no corrections can be made. If necessary, the organizer reserves the right to modify erroneous abstracts for publication without consultation

All abstracts will be refereed in the absence of the names and addresses of the authors. Authors are requested to indicate their preference for oral and/or poster presentation on the abstract submission form. Abstracts that are submitted for oral/poster presentation, but that are not selected for oral communication can be referred to the poster sessions. The decisions of the selection committee are final. 

All abstracts will be reviewed and scored and subsequently accepted for presentation or rejected. This process will take some time to complete


Posters: Portrait: B.118,5 x H.146 cm

All speakers are requested to strictly keep their allocated time slots. Session chairs will enforce the schedule.

-Invited speakers: 20 min + 5 min discussion

-Oral abstracts presentation: 10 min + 5 min discussion

-Poster pitch: no slides, 2 min poster presentation

-Top selected posters will also present (with 3 slides) in the best poster session (3 min + 2 min discussion)