Without our faithful sponsors it is not possible to arrange ESRI24. We sincerely thank all of them for their financial and scientific contributions.

The Journal of Reproductive Immunology is affiliated with the European Society of Reproductive Immunology, the International Society for Immunology of Reproduction and the Japanese Society for Immunology of Reproduction.  It provides a critical forum for the dissemination of results from high quality research in all aspects of experimental, animal and clinical reproductive immunobiology. This encompasses normal and pathological processes of male and female reproductive tracts, gametogenesis and embryogenesis, implantation and placental development, gestation and lactation.
JRI is sponsoring two Young Investigator Awards, one in basic science and one in clinical science, for a 500€ prize each.

FEBS Open Bio Journal has provided a grant of 200€ for best poster presentation. FEBS Open Bio is an open access journal for the rapid publication of research articles across the molecular and cellular life sciences. The journal’s rigorous peer review process focusses on the technical and ethical quality of papers, rather than subjective judgements of significance.

The EFIS has provided 10 travel grants of 350€ for the best abstracts from PhD students.