It is with great pleasure and excitement that we welcome each one of you to the conference of the European Society for Reproductive Immunology (ESRI), taking place in Leiden, the Netherlands, from October 8-11, 2024.

It is not possible to arrange this conference without the support from a number of sponsors. We sincerely thank all of them for their financial contributions.

We also hope that you will take time to visit and enjoy the atmosphere of Leiden. Leiden has been one of Europe’s most prominent scientific centres for more than four centuries. Leiden is a typical university city, university buildings are scattered throughout the city and the many students from all over the world give the city a bustling, vivid and international atmosphere. Leiden is a city with a rich cultural heritage, not only in science, but also in the arts. One of the world’s most famous painters, Rembrandt, was born and educated in Leiden. Other Leiden painters include Lucas van LeydenJan van Goyen and Jan Steen.

Thank you for being part of ESRI2024 in Leiden.

From the local organizing committee:

Michael Eikmans
Marie-Louise van der Hoorn
Renate van der Molen